"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

Ingrid Bergman

"Love is the beauty of the soul."

Saint Augustine

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."

Mother Teresa

In the description of me under Lovey Dovey Me, the second one isn't really my description, the first Allison is. It's a confusing process. Their both me, one's just not really me.

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Diary Entry, By: Sally Mud. DO NOT READ THIS DIARY! TOP SECRET!

What is THAT sound? I just sat there in there for a second. There was a sound that sounded like either yelling, crying, screaming or just laughing! I wonder what that sound is? I got out of my mud puddle and looked around. There were a bunch of scary looking hairless creatures,(Normally they wouldn't be scary but then I found out the they were supposed to be monkeys! Who thought of hairless monkeys!) all started pointing at me and yelling "Mud skipper!". I didn't know what to do. So I just sat there and stared.

As I stared I remembered not to get too close, and dodge a couple of the strange creatures. It was a funny sight to see them take off their protective "boots". Then they would try to carry them back.  They kept yelling at each other and throwing mud at each other. It was odd to see some of them with what they call "socks" on their feet and some of them wishing that they had brought "socks".

Oh no! It's so dark! I just got scooped up by something! I am inside a boot! Suddenly the moving stopped and light poured in! Thank goodness they had forgot to run on the mud! I climbed out of the shoe, I was very happy when I saw my father. But unhappy when what they call a "girl" stepped on him! The worst part was that she left her boot and my father drowned in mud! I am so sad as I am writing this! The worst part is that I heard that more of these ugly creatures are coming! (Come to find out the next batch of the creatures were taken somewhere else!)

Here are some of the observation I made. ( I will use these observations to  help wrap up this diary entry.) They are obviously very heavy creatures. I can tell this because they sang very deep. The only hair they have is on the head. (EW) I also found out that they are civilised enough to have names. I know this because every one was talking about how "Alexander" went to go save "Pejman", but they also called "Pejman" "PJ" and "Alexander" "Alex" . That also proves that they are smart enough to think of nicknames! I learned so much today! I also learned that most humans do not enjoy getting dirty! I love learning about these same creatures!

This Diary entry is written by Sally Mud. (I also took a part from a newspaper! It is not the ACTUAL group of ugly humans but it will give you an idea) DO NOT READ THIS DIARY OR I WILL HURT YOU!

Image found at http://www.doe.gov.my/zoom/new_straits_times/i12141.JPG