During the Nazi's power they created The Nuremberg Race Laws, some unfair and others, well, more fair than others. For example, now a Jew was not pointed out due to their religious beliefs. You did not have to study Judaism in order to be a Jew. If you had three or four Jewish grandparents, you were now 'officially a Jew'. Even if you had legally changed your religion from Judaism to Christianity you were still hated by the Nazi's. The Nazi party were against Jews, no one is quite sure why, but they were. At this point of history you wouldn't want to be living in Germany.
At one point in time, by law Hitler could do something known as Aryanizing. This was the process of kicking out Jewish managers and workers from their work. Any business owned by a Jew would be taken over by someone else not of the Jewish race.
Another thing happened that stopped Jews from really working and/or recieving costumers was some new 'small restrictions'. Jewish doctors were not aloud to work on non-Jews, not only that but if you were Jew and a lawyer, you weren't aloud to actually continue with law.
Jews had to be pointed out easilier than others. Being promised a better future Jews had to get a red 'J' stamped on their identification cards. Not to mention if a Jew didn't have a specific 'Jewish name', they were given a new middle name. A boy's new middle name would be Israel and a girl's would be Sara.
Now there was something called the Law for the Protection of the Heredatiry Health of the German People. This is basically a law saying that in order to marry you not only had to be approved due to the new Nuremberg laws, you also had to be fit and healthy. You couldn't have any kind of illness. I'm guessing this is because Hitler wanted perfect people in Germany and didn't want any people with anything 'wrong' with them. Hitler always dreamed of the 'perfect person' so he made this law to stop no 'non-perfect Germans' to be created. In my opinion this is a little bit far on his part, but then again, he went a little bit far on everything.
Hitler was a...interesting person. He had his own view things much like we do, though his were extreme. Hopefully no one this extreme will rise up back into existence.
Note to the world, don't repeat your mistakes.
Just for a warning, Hitler is one of them.
By: Allison Michelle Bradford.
Good Allison but remember, I just wanted you to answer the questions..not reflect on them! Next time separate the answers out. 10/10