"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

Ingrid Bergman

"Love is the beauty of the soul."

Saint Augustine

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."

Mother Teresa

In the description of me under Lovey Dovey Me, the second one isn't really my description, the first Allison is. It's a confusing process. Their both me, one's just not really me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hitler Begins to Take Control. First step, Shunning all other Parties and Taking Away the 'Less Important'.

Hitler was an influential person, though not in the way that portrays good. Hitler portrays a lucky man, who is charismatic, and cunning with a mysterious dark side not everyone tends to notice. During his rise to power he went against all other parties and took away Civil Rights from the people of Germany, in fear that they might plot against the Nazi party. Through out this period of time, the ones he targeted the most were the Communists and the Social Democratic Party. If something went wrong, he would blame them. This would enable him to 'punish' them as he pleased. In fact, the first people to be taken to one of his camps was, in fact, around four thousand people who were either Communists or Radicals. (A Radical is a person with political ideas, in Hitler's case it was really anyone with political ideas against the Nazi. Or at least the people he thought were against the Nazi.)

Now here's something you might not know, Civil Rights. When Civil Rights were taken away from the people of Germany, nothing could be kept secret. Civil Rights are things that are given to people that are morally correct, these things include letting people have their own view on things. To make things a little bit clearer, I will make a list of some examples of Civil Rights that are given to us as people. (There are more rights than this, but I just put down some quick examples.)

Civil Rights.
1. Freedom of Speech.
2. Right to Privacy.
3. Freedom.
4. Right to Bear Arms.
5. Abolition of Slavery.
6. The Right to be Safe when it comes to your own Home, Person, Papers and Cause.

These are just some examples.

Source(s): #1

During Hitler's rise, none of these rights were kept. For one, no one was safe and it didn't matter who you were. Unless you were the 'Perfect German' you were kicked out. Or, at least that's what people were told.

Next we come to the question why some would agree to Hitler's actions of destroying Civil Rights and taking away the freedom from the people of Germany. I don't know exactly why people would agree to this, for I was not there at the time, I don't know just how desperate people were there at that point. Germany was in a rut, and anything was bound to happen if Hitler was now in charge. Because of this, I'm just going to take a lucky guess based on some things we learned in Humanities.
I think some might agree to this because they have no one else to follow, and they aren't really paying attention. Germany, as you may know, was in the slumps and felt ashamed. People were desperate and here comes this guy saying he'll doing anything to help the country earn it's dignity back. People follow ever so slowly, getting the hang of things. What else are you supposed to do? People agree with this mystery man, including with the taking away of two very important things, because he promised to make the country better. If this is one of his many steps to a greater country you probably are just going to think, hey, may not be nice now but think about a better tomorrow! If he promises it, he's going to supply it one step at a time. (At least that's what he said. Not everyone keeps promises.) That's why I think some people might agree to his actions, they probably are just thinking it's all part of the process.
Other people might just think that it's positive because now they believe there might not be any 'traitors' left in the country anymore. They might think, who cares if they listen in on my every move. Now I feel safer knowing there's no one here to stop the country's claim for dignity! These are the kind of people who are probably major patriots, not wanting anyone to stop what has just begun. There may be many reasons for the agreement of Hitler's actions, but those are just two examples.

Hitler drew everyone into his plans, always dreaming about his better version of Germany and a better tomorrow. No one knew that one man could start a World War II, and even if one man could, at the time nobody suspected Hitler. Most thought he was crazy in the beginning! But really, anything can happen. The world is full of so many possibilities and surprises, though not always the good kind, they give the earth something to think about. Hitler was one of these surprises, portraying an influential kind of bad.
Let's just hope reality doesn't repeat itself this time.

By: Allison Michelle Bradford.

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