"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

Ingrid Bergman

"Love is the beauty of the soul."

Saint Augustine

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."

Mother Teresa

In the description of me under Lovey Dovey Me, the second one isn't really my description, the first Allison is. It's a confusing process. Their both me, one's just not really me.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Ulm TEXAS Presentation Reflection.

In class we did a project on a place we've lived in. I ended up choosing New Ulm, Texas. I've never lived there, but I stay there every Summer. (June and July.) Now Mr.Thomas has told us to reflect on our project that we presented to the class.

In the presentation I believe that I did very well on the information and the pictures. I know this, even though I had little sites, each one had some much info to choose from. I took the most important information from each sites and put it in my own words. Plus, if you look on google you can have some many choices for pictures, or you can just take your own. I chose the best pictures I could find and hoped they wouldn't be pixilated. I also believe I did well in the lay out of the project. I put the pictures in the right place next to the information and I also made sure to keep my bullet points simple so that I could fit beautiful things. Sometimes though I admit there was a lot of information causing there to be little room, but I lived. I feel like I did very well on the project all together. Except when it came to speaking, I had some gaps because I knew most of my lines so well, I forgot to turn the page on my speaking notes. When I did need them I had to find the right page. I probably shouldn't be putting this in the section that says what I did well, but I did do pretty good until I needed the lines that I did not know. In the next paragraph I will be telling you what I would want to improve on in future projects.

In future projects I will go over my lines more but not to much, if you practice something too much you may stop thinking of what your saying, and that would be bad. I will go over my lines more though so that I can memorize them wonderfully. I will still keep notes by me so that just in case I forget some lines I will have them, but I will remember to turn the pages! I don't won't another awkward moment for me to flip the pages and find the correct lines. I would also work more on my project. I did very very well on my project for a last minute one. I had forgotten all about it, I was just having so much fun I forgot about it. I ended up doing it last minute. I did fantastic on it though. (In my opinion.) It would be better not to do it last minute because then you will be able to process the information better, with breaks in you schedule, you would have more time to think and let your brain flow with ideas. I hope that I will do better on these things in the future! Next what I learned from the preparation (for my presentation) in addition to the presentation of others.

My preparation, the fact that I did it last minute I didn't learn much except for the fact that I can type pretty fast when I'm determined to finish something. At one point I started to fall asleep but I was still typing with my eyes closed. Thankfully I woke up when my head swayed back and my neck hurt and made a loud cracking sound. It wasn't a very fun time. I was happy though after I got to stand up and practice speaking. From looking at others presentations I think I could do better. There's one guy in my class, I am not going to say his name though, he is a GREAT speaker! Everyone can't wait till he goes up and charms them with his speaking skills and hand movements that helps him prove his point. I want to be more like him when it comes to presenting skills. He is very good at that. Everyone kept cheering his name, including me! We just enjoy him so much. We never get bored of him. He's fun to be around to. He's got everything bundled up in a package tied with string. Next more coming up, the analysis of my presentation. (I'm not quite sure what that means, but I think it just means a short summoning up of my presentation.)

My presentation was a last minute miracle. I was so happy that I got it done! If I hadn't worked so hard on it last minute, Mr.Thomas probably wouldn't be very happy. It took a lot longer than 4 hours, but that's hard work! There was a large gap of silence in the middle of my presentation, but that was only because I forgot to turn the pages up to the part that I wasn't very good at. (I have mentioned this SEVERAL times! I guess this was just a moment to remember during my presentation.) I used a cute back round because I love cute things, anything cute I'll take. I also love the colors pink, white and yellow so this is the best slide for me. Most of my information was mainly about the building of buildings and who founded the town. New Ulm is a quaint little town. I love it so much. It was most famous for it's cotton. Every year they have a cotton festival and they choose the Cotton Queen! I love the sound of that. I've never been there for the festival but I want to be there. I love cotton! I sometimes felt like twirling my hair during my presentation but told myself not to because then that would be distracting for me and the audience. I was just so nervous I felt like twitching. During presentations I feel like everyones watching me, of course, everyone is paying attention to me, but it just feels like their eyes are on me like hawks. Sometimes I feel like they're laughing at me in their heads! Presenting can be so hard! It takes skill to present! If you don't have the skills your presentation may just end up being long pauses and ums. Trust me, no one really like ums and uhs.

I hope that you can find the time to read my presentation and tell me what you think! I would really like it if you told me what is good and what is bad! Even if you didn't hear me present! You have to admit it's pretty good for last minute.

Read the presentation and tell me what you think!





  1. I thought your city reflection was good although I found a few grammatical errors, you actually knew what you were saying good about your presentation and you knew what you needed to work on ,so I though It was a great reflection. 9.5/10

  2. Your reflection was pretty good. But when you said I love the sound of that. I've never been there for the festival but I want to be there, you should said next time.Good job for making your reflection long.

  3. Hey Allison, I think that your reflection was great although I think it would sound better if you wrote some things in a different way. I also lived in Texas, just not New Ulm. I think that it was great that you had a very discriptive and long reflection so... AWESOME JOB!
