"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

Ingrid Bergman

"Love is the beauty of the soul."

Saint Augustine

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."

Mother Teresa

In the description of me under Lovey Dovey Me, the second one isn't really my description, the first Allison is. It's a confusing process. Their both me, one's just not really me.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A 'Good' Life Has Meaning.

When it comes to agreeing with this statement, I'm am stuck at 50-50, half-half. Right now my life is good, but it is yet to develope a true meaning. Mother Teresa's meaning in life was to spread kindness and blessing around the world in the name of God. Her life was good, and yes, it did have meaning. In my honest opinion, life doesn't have to have a meaning to be good. All that really matters is that you have a reason to wake up in the morning, a reason to keep you going through out the day. Life is good, it doesn't matter if it has developed a meaning or not.

That is why I am 50-50, half-half, because life is good if it has meaning. Yet it can also be good if it doesn't have any yet. I hope that I soon experience a true meaning in my life, for meanings in life are the things that help you make a difference.

But for now, life is good.

By: Allison Michelle Bradford.

1 comment:

  1. I think your post is good and I liked how you backed it up by saying "That is why I am 50-50, half-half, because life is good if it has meaning. Yet it can also be good if it doesn't have any yet. I hope that I soon experience a true meaning in my life, for meanings in life are the things that help you make a difference" and saying: "But for now, life is good." I thought it was also good because you rote a lot as you normally do so ya, Good work
