"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

Ingrid Bergman

"Love is the beauty of the soul."

Saint Augustine

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."

Mother Teresa

In the description of me under Lovey Dovey Me, the second one isn't really my description, the first Allison is. It's a confusing process. Their both me, one's just not really me.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe. Pennies from Heaven.

Pennies from Heaven.

In this emotional story, the belief being discussed is faith, and love. The man in this story has an incredible amount of love for his wife, who sadly, died from cancer. He also has an incredible faith in the thought that his wife is still living on, still looking down on him from above. It is a faith that is driving him to collect something that you may see rather ordinary, but for him, it's a special treasure to hold onto.

During this story the man talks about his wife's love for luck. Every time she would find a penny, she would put it in her shoe. He talked about how for him, though, he wouldn't bother to bend over and pick a penny up. Around a month after his wife's passing, he ends up standing in the post office and spots a penny on the ground. For the first time he goes and picks it up. When he returned home he would put it in a jar. After a while he had to get a bigger jar and now had collected over 300 pennies. Some people say that Angels drop pennies to remind you that your loved one is with you, and he has faith in that thought. His wife has been leaving him pennies, sometimes all he has to do is ask for one and it will appear. When ever he finds a penny it's in the same place he found the last one. These pennies are truly, from Heaven.

So when you see a penny, why not pick it up? It's someone trying to tell you that their looking out for you.

Honestly, I found this story very interesting mainly because of the whole idea of it. You wouldn't think that pennies just fell from the sky, would you? Well, by the way this man describes it they do literally seem to come out of nowhere. This story really got me thinking, maybe all those pennies she had put in her shoe for good luck were being given to him as her last wish to the world. But instead of just being the amount of pennies that she put in her shoe, she's just going to keep sending her pennies to tell him how much she loves him. And she's doing that by how many pennies she's giving him. Over 300, and still counting, that's a lot of love. I also found this interesting because he wasn't the only one receiving these mysterious pennies, it was also his son, his sister-in-law AND his best friend. I'm thinking that all of these people must of been dear to her. I think faith and love is very important, because they sort of blend together. You have to have faith in the ones you love, you have to be able to trust them with the understanding of you and who you are as a person. I think this is important in all relationships, whether it is just a friendship, a family thing, or in this man's case, the union of marriage. All of these need faith and love for fuel, they need faith and love to last for long times spent together.
That's one of the real reasons why I chose this story, I strongly believe in those two things. This story was really heartwarming and it says a lot. No matter how alone you feel someone is always watching you. It could even be your great great great great grandfather, someone who didn't even knew you existed when they died, but now looking down on their new generation with loving eyes. When I look up at the stars blanketed across the velvet black sky of night, I see eyes, like shining jewels looking down on the world. And trying to figure out what's changed since the time they were alive. I am even looking into the eyes of people I never knew, or never really understood.
I don't see many stars where I am now, I rarely look outside and even if I do, I live in a city that has lots of pollution. But during the Summer when I return home and ride out into the country, I get to look up and see those stars. And when I do, that's really when I feel safe. That's why I really can relate to this story, I always have a comforting feeling that my mom's best friend is looking down on my family. I know my mom thinks she is, she tells us when ever her name comes up. I carry her name for my middle name and now I've begun to recognize it more. I wear it proudly and write it down when ever I finish something I feel I've done a good job on. I think she would like that, and that's just my little way of telling her that my mom misses her, her husband misses her, her friends still miss her and I do to.

Allison Michelle Bradford.

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